Collection: Dental Care and Hygiene

The personal care industry is growing by several percent each year, flooding more products to consumers. Even IF packaging is more efficient, there’s still more of it. So it’s up to us to help make a dent in this plastic problem and aim towards zero waste. Dental care is the perfect example of how our “little things” give us the opportunity to make an impact every day. Just consider:

  • A BILLION toothbrushes get thrown away in the U.S. alone every year.2 Many are unrecyclable because the composite plastics most are now made of are difficult, if not impossible, to break apart efficiently.
  • Pouches and squeezable tubes, like your toothpaste, usually can’t be recycled because they’re multi-layered/coated plastics. And we’re tossing about 400 million a year.
  • Each year, Americans purchase over 3 million miles of floss, enough to circle to earth 120 times.

So all those small plastic choices, they’ll be hanging around for about, oh 500 years… and even then they don’t truly biodegrade, but break down into microplastics we don’t know how to control.

5 products
Bamboo Toothbrush
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Dental Floss Refills Bamboo and Silk
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Pop Tabs Toothpaste Tablets
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Charcoal Bamboo Dental Floss
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Compostable Silk Dental Floss
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